When discussing self-care we often refer to the ‘Airplane Analogy’- putting the oxygen mask on ‘you’ before the person next to you. In other words: ‘Take Care of Yourself First’ so there is more of you to give to everyone and everything else in your...
19 March, 2017
Communication is key to healthy relationships and we often hear stories from people with whom we work of times when communication is lacking. How do we build mutually sustaining trusting relationships?
The first step is to have open, honest and direct conversations with others. The next...
01 December, 2016
The experience of loss is unique to different individuals. Who we are means that we will grieve differently. New approaches to grief recognize that the process is not isolated from our social world. Bereavement shakes our organized world. Through our conversations we try to help people...
01 October, 2016
We have all experienced loss in different ways. Loss can be significant as in the loss of a close relative or friend or a beloved pet. It can also be the loss of a job, loss of health or the loss of a relationship.
Making sense...
01 September, 2016